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Why Project Window Strike?

Through Kererū Discovery we receive many stories about kererū hitting windows, and requests for help when people come across kererū injured from flying into glass. These are incredibly distressing stories for all, and even more so as they are potentially avoidable.

We really want to do something about improving our understanding of window strike, and to help prevent unnecessary harm to our native birds. And so, in 2019 we partnered with Global Bird Rescue.

Global Bird Rescue is an annual event hosted by FLAP Canada (Fatal Light Awareness Program (FLAP) Canada is widely recognised as the pre-eminent authority on the bird-building collision issue). Global Bird Rescue uses the Global Mapper to document bird-building collisions across the globe and is part of the FLAP BirdSafe initiative.

BirdSafe provides detail on how and why to keep birds safe from daytime and night time bird-building collision threats for Canadian homes and workplaces (see for lots of helpful information). 2019 saw the release of the Canadian Standards Association’s Bird-Friendly Building Design standard.

One of the products recommended by Birdsafe are window markers by Feather Friendly® who provide a great solution to prevent birds flying into windows for both commercial and residential buildings. These markers provide a relatively affordable and attractive solution which we believe will suit our situation in New Zealand.

Feather Friendly® window markers

Introducing our new global partners in the fight against window strike.
Feather Friendly® window markers are being proven as effective window strike mitigation overseas, and so we are delighted to bring this innovation to New Zealand to help prevent unnecessary deaths and injuries to our native birds.

Feather Friendly® window markers are the best product we have found to help prevent birds from flying into your windows. You can take action to prevent native birds from dying or being injured from flying into your windows.

To view Feather Friendly® window marker case studies please click here


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